::: La wihl ni'iy ::: About me :::
Ama sa ansiip'insxw'y,
Diisgalaaxw waa’y ii galam ho’y Skyla gant Gitxsan BUSHGIRL.
Lax yib'm Gitxsan ligi New Hazelton, BC, wil joga’y ii toyaxs’ii wilps Nikateen wil anook diit dim luu wilam ahl lax yip't.
Wilp Gwininitxw wilsa witxw’ii ii Lax Gibuu hl pdeega’y.
Suuwilaxn’ii sim algyax'ii. Gilkelst ant suuwilaxn'ii sim algyax. Dim suuwilaxn’ii niin gwihl wila’y.
Wii oo ii dim enhox ap ligi agwi dim an jab'hl ano'oya. Laa wil 'gal'ook'y. Luu amth good’ii gant toyaxs’ii wil baksim.
Good day friends,
My name is Diisgalaaxw but I also use Skyla and Gitxsan BUSHGIRL.
I live on Gitxsan territory aka New Hazelton, BC and I am grateful to Wilp Nikateen- I live on their traditional territory.
I am from the house of Gwininitxw, I am from the Wolf clan.
I am learning my true language. Gilkelst (Shirley Zornow) is teaching me. I will teach you what I know.
I love to make different things. I am always busy. I am happy and grateful that you came here today.
That is all for now.
I am learning Gitxsanimx and the more I learn, the more I realize I know very little but I will continue to learn and share what I am learning (especially with my kiddos).
I am ever so grateful to all of my language mentors, especially my Gramma, Gwininitxw (Yvonne Lattie) and my Aunt Gilkelst (Shirley Zornow). I know I have a loooong way to go, but I will keep trying because I know that this work is a part of my Soul's Journey.
Again, luu amhl good'y ii toyaxs'y nism wil baksim.
Gabiit (for real this time!)